More than a greenhouse!
ACD® over the years
Family Develtere starts up thier own production of hobbies greenhouse &
ACD company is founded.
ACD becomes market leader in Belgium.
Intrek in het nieuwe gebouw (5500 m²)
op het industrieterrein Haven te Roeselare.
Uitbreiding van het assortiment met
carports en overkappingen.
Opstart ERP-systeem om de
vlotte werking van het bedrijf te
ACD is the trendsetter offering greenhouses with safety glass at a symbolic extra cost.
The ACD Prestige brand is launched for its own manufactured greenhouses.
Optimalisatie logo met bijhorende
baselines. De corporate identity werd
volledig uitgestippeld.
Uitbouw showroom en
vernieuwing kantoren.
Vernieuwde website
Lancering van Blackline
More than a greenhouse: introductie van 4 pijlers
Implementatie van WMS (Warehouse Management System)
Rebranding van de website op 4 pijlers
Whatever you have in mind, custom-made or ready-made, we are happy to share our experience. We will professionally guide you in your search for the ACD® product of your dreams.
Always an ACD® partner nearby
ACD® has an extensive partner network of more than 1,000 distributors in Benelux and France. In addition, we have agents in the Nordic countries, Germany, Switzerland, Iceland, United States, Baltic States.
In our home countries, we talk about Premium partners and regular partners. But we go beyond this. Besides dealers, we also have specialisms such as our ACD® Service Points, ACD® Glass Service Points, ACD® Certified Assemblers and also ACD® Grossists.
Your short chain & well-being
Grow your own healthy fruits and vegetables. From soil to mouth! In just a few steps you will enter your own paradise of vitamins, shelves full of health and so much more...
Put energy into your conservatory, garden or living room and get so much more energy out of it!